Sunday, July 8, 2012

Shard Tower, The Qatar Architectural Masterpiece in London

Tower "Shard" ,which opened recently in the British capital, is the highest tower in Europe which is owned by Qatar to 95%.

Opened in London's a Tower which has a height of 310 meters, and is described as the tallest building in Western Europe as it prepares to host the Olympics. Shard tower includes, as is well known because of its shape, a luxury hotel and luxury shops, offices, restaurants, private apartments and a platform to view all areas of the capital. The Italian architect Renzo Piano designed the tower and the cost of construction amounted reached 1.5 billion pounds (2.3 billion USD dollars). Similar to the building, located near the River Thames in Southwark center of the capital pyramid or a rocket launched into space. And the State of Qatar and real estate group Sellar are the ownership of the tower and financed by the Qatar National Bank. The tower was opened yesterday in the presence of the Prime Minister of Qatar Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Althani and Britain's Prince Andrew. Who his older brother Prince Charles , known his hate of modern architecture, described the tower as a "giant salt cellar." However, the survival of Shard Tower as the highest buildings in Europe will be for a short period because the Mercury City Tower the building of a tower , which has a height of 332 meters in the Russian capital Moscow, is nearing completion.

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  1. نبنى للتفاخر بينما الفقراء المسلمين لايجدون سكنا او غذاءا او عملا

  2. صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم حينما أخبرنا عن علامات الساعة " الحفاة العراه يتطاولون في البنيان"

  3. فقر المسلمين من روؤسائهم وملوكهم الذين لم يبقوا اخضر ولا يابس لم يستثمروا لشعوبهم دكتاتوريين عليهم من الله ما يستحقون وكل بلد تنام على الجنب اللي يريحها ما دامت البلاد الاسلامية متفرقة لا يعني فقير باكستان لأي عربي شيء لأن باكستان لا تريد الاتحاد مع المسلمين مثلا ابكي على فقراء المسلمين خين تتوحد بلدانهم وتتوحد كلمتهم ان الشعوب الاسلامية لا يهمها امر فلسطين ولا سوريا ولا اي بلد اسلامي كل يغني على ليلاه

  4. مبروك ع الانجليز ً مصارينا ونفطنا
