Friday, June 15, 2012

Double Meanings Photos That Will Burn Your Brain

What is our mind? it's only think of what we see and imagine and her I bring to you an incredible double meanings photos collection in which you can check how much strong is your brain :) go ahead and see the photos if you don't able to determine the trick then read the notes below each photo

The man wear the black shirt

 This is the man leg

 This is the leg of a man who is not appear in the photo

  the shadow is only a flag shadow and the women at the sand 

you must know the difference :)

The one who wear the  Jeans is the man

:) a women trying to scrub her leg

this is the women leg not her hand :) 

 the girl is wearing pants but these legs are your the left and right girls

 only 2 legs but the third is a crock

one of the shoes is empty 

the hand of both of the players 

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