Monday, June 18, 2012

Incredible Photos Happens Only In Africa

Nothing is incredible than seeing how the others thinking, specially there where the technology is not completely reached it . Here i have brought to you a collection of the most amazing African inventions. It's not to laugh at them but to see how they think.


African engineer


I just love Africa , simple and not complicated.
We are just who we are.
No stress.
I am proud to be African

Electric phone cable pole
This was photographed in Buru Buru, Nairobi . Kenya

Heavy vehicle

Hot water system

Monthly special no fuel

Notice public bar

Pick up truck

Riding goat bicycle

Road sotp

Listen - English is only a 2nd language !!!
You've got to make allowances.

Swimming pool painting

Toyota cowrolla


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  1. الحمد لله على النعمة الى احنا فيها

  2. this is their lif , it might be they are more happier than us , look deeply in their photoes , you will see very happy eyes with wonderful smiles

  3. سبحان الله على النعمه

  4. صور حلووووووة مرة خالص جدا كثير

  5. فعلا السعادة التى نتقاتل عليها ليس فى المال ولا فى الحضارة ولكن فى قلب راض وقنوع بما اتاه وبما يفعل

  6. الحمدلله على نعمه و هي طريقتهم بالتكيف مع ظروفهم الصعبة وارى انهم افضل منا فهم صنعوا ما ييسر حياتهم ونحن نصعب ما هو يسير
