Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Optical Illusion Photo That Shake Your Head

What's so great about interesting things is that they inspire us. We take an idea and run with it. Had someone told me I had to try this on my own, I wouldn't have been as excited. But just letting me run with my inspiration, I created something fun completely of my own volition.

The same can happen with learning.

Homeschooling gave me tons of time to try my hand at things. I dabbled with audio dramas, computer coding, videos, and the like. My siblings and I built with Legos, blankets and pillows, sticks and stones. We made hardtack and salt dough. We played with cornstarch and water. And we did that all without my mom nudging us to do so.

What's inspired your children lately? And were you able to replicate the optical illusion assuming, of course, that it inspired you?

In this optical illusion photo your head will be Shaken,  every minute you remain focus at this photo you will see different photos, actually your brain will create such photos because of confusion.

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  1. الإخوة الذين شاهدوا أشياء في الصورة يمكنهم الذهاب إلي طبيب عيون أو طبيب استعباط

  2. There is a man's portrait on the left and a sun rising over a mountain logo ;)

  3. لم اجد صعوبة برؤيتها فعلى اليسار صورة لشخص يرتدي نظارة وعلى يمينه مقطع من وجه سيدة يظهر شفتين والأنف لأنثى

  4. ابتعد قليلا للوراء عن الصورة وسترى الصورة بوضوح
