Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Two rivers meet in a charming natural phenomenon in Geneva

There is a  a charming natural phenomenon that the rivers water or ocean and seas water can't be mixed, you can see this in the following photos. These rivers are the Rhône and Aar rivers, they are two of the major rivers in Europe which meet each other in Geneva, Switzerlan.

Rhône river Is one of the major rivers in Europe, stems from Switzerland and is in southeast France a total length of 812 km, and near its mouth in the Mediterranean Sea is divided into two sections: The first section defines Balron great (in French: Grand Rhône), and the second branch is known Balron small (in French: Petit Rhône), is thus the result of a fork of the river delta in the Camargue region.

The Aar, a tributary of the High Rhine, is the longest river that both rises and ends entirely within Switzerland.

Its total length from its source to its junction with the Rhine comprises about 295 km (183 miles), during which distance it descends 1,565 m (5,135 ft), draining an area of 17,779 km2 (6,865 sq mi), including the whole of central Switzerland.

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  1. عظمة الله تتجلى في خلقه وفي كونه ،،،برزخ لايبغيان،،،،فعلا هدا ملح اجاج ،،،،وهذا عذب فرات،،،،،هذه عظمة الله ،،،،فلنتأمل في كونه وخلقه وقدرته.
